Are you a company?
Entrust the research to the ProExporters team
of experts in internationalization.
Our service of
professional scouting.
No waste of time,
no spamming.
We do the pre-screening for you.
We are looking for the professionals best suited to your needs for your company: markets of expertise, sectors and previous experiences are some of the criteria we use to identify the most in line with your needs from more than 3,000 profiles available in our database.
How does it work PRO -SCOUTING
Video Call
We take a moment to get to know each other: we start with a video call, to allow you to know our reality and we to focus on your needs.
Pre-selection of professionals
On the basis of the needs expressed, we are going to identify and select from our database the professionals with profiles and skills that are closest to you.
A basic conviction moves us: to intercept professionals who have already had experience in the market of your interest and in the reference product sector.
No improvisation at your expense.
Expression of interest and in-depth call with professionals
We contact professionals who from our evidence may be in possession of the necessary skills to serve your needs.
We ask them if they are interested in evaluating a collaboration with your company.
We meet professionals who have expressed an interest in a pre-screening. Their profiles are then analyzed considering both the expertise and the professionalism and availability of each counterpart.
Final video call with company
We close the selection phase with a final meeting with your company, in which we present the results of the scouting activity and share the short list of the profiles identified (generally from 3 to 5 names).
The company will then contact the professionals presented and carry out the dialogue independently, without other forms of intermediation or commissions.
A practical example of screening.
From 60 generic to 5 specific contacts,
through our dialogue first with the company and then with individual professionals.
The alternative?
Google it.
The numbers
of our database
Find out which and how many professionals have expertise in your sector or in the foreign markets of your interest
filtering the entries.
Time optimization
Cost containment
Service of PRO -SCOUTING
The fixed cost of the PRO SCOUTING service is € 690 + VAT.
To receive more information on the service and get in touch with our staff, you can call
+39 375 565 4924 or send an email to .
Service of PRO -MINING
Our staff selects business opportunities from official and verified sources every week.
ProExporters conducts careful research, making the results available to members of its network.
These are valuable business opportunities for companies, as they can make direct contact with the counterparty who is looking for products or services compatible with those they offer.
The PRO-MINING service allows you to purchase the direct name of the counterpart instantly.
These opportunities, along with useful links and news on foreign trade, are also reported in the monthly Going International newsletter , which you can receive free of charge as a subscriber of PRO-MINING.
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